Part 8: 04/19/09 - 04/30/09: The Butterfly Effect

April is now over, so it's time to once again see what happens in an alternative timeline...

A weird detail to change, but Kotone doesn't wake up from the Magician stuff until the 19th. You probably wouldn't normally notice or care that this IS different, though (Makoto woke up on the 17th).

In a weird bit of streamlining, Junpei also joins SEES on a different day; the 21st here as opposed to the 19th before.

And we then IMMEDIATELY go to Tartarus for the tutorial. During the forced entry of the Velvet Room at this point...

So, we have a choice of Attendant here. Still no return of the classics, like Belladonna or Nameless though. Theo is pretty great and it's a crime that the only way we know this route technically happened is that he turns up in Persona Q.
Anyway, here he's voiced by Travis Willingham. Who, in completely random trivia that you probably already know, is married to Laura Bailey.
And now we'll just skip ahead to after the tutorial is done, because we don't needta see that twice.

One thing I appreciate is that this game stole the rank up graphical style from Persona 4. It's not quite as cool as Persona 5's but it's a bit more streamlined and I appreciate that it's here.

One of the weirder changes is that Be Blue V doesn't sell accessories now. It's not a big deal and it won't even matter really, but it sure threw me off at first.

Mercifully, Kurosawa sells them at his totally legitimate arms dealer second job. The nebulous "connections" aside, the only way I see this really working is if he's selling us stuff out of the evidence locker or what have you.

First day of free time doesn't have much for anyone to do, so we'll spend that at the movies too. Next day, however...

I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to be surprised by this.
> It's crowded, but luckily you were able to get in without much waiting.

> After a few moments, the waiter brings two ramen bowls to you.
> The fragrant smell rising from the bowls makes your stomach growl...

> You take a bite...
> The distinct taste of the soup blends well with the thick noodles...

> Although Junpei eats noisily, he seems to be enjoying his ramen...

> Junpei seems embarrassed and laughs...
> You can sense Junpei's thoughtfulness towards you...

I love that Junpei is the character that represents the Junpei Social Link. I dunno, it's just perfect in its simplicity.

> You and Junpei chatted for a while, then headed back.
So, yeah, this is a pretty significant difference. New S.Links! You can probably guess some of the others at this point (if you don't already know them).

Also we're going to Tartarus immediately. Not so much for the money (no, Kotone's money problems come LATER because Maniac's only point of difficulty is economic inflation) but because this is the best chance for a while.

So, uh, we'll be glossing over most of the actual Tartarus trip here. This is a big deal though; I forget its here a bunch, but it makes the Terminal Points kind of irrelevant for their primary purpose. This can even take you to floors like, say, floor 6 which is just a random floor that you normally can't warp to. I appreciate it but I also dislike it.
I'unno, I'm kind of weirdly fickle like that.

Also, Mitsuru gives us all this shit. Decent healing items, SP recovery, items that let you warp out of Tartarus/guaranteed escape from randoms and... Cadenza. Yeah, so, Fusion Spells here are just items that you can use. This is both better and much, much worse than what vanilla/FES do.

Oh, uh, Skill Cards! Right. They're a thing

Also, uh, the EXP scaling is way, way different here. I'd call it "fixed" but it feels a bit too much in the other direction now. This is on the upper end for the first few floors but the lower end is like 9 so...

And this is with the 1 of Wands. Jeez. Haven't even gotten to the Venus Eagles yet!

Nekomata is still Nekomata, but we need to get her to level 11 for her card. We won't; it takes a ton of grinding even in the best case scenario. Provoke is not good enough for that.

Also on floor 6, we find this. It, uh. I reset at this point to NOT get this. Because getting this here is ridiculous.
Anyway, Kotone and co EASILY get to the barrier Mitsuru mentioned so we'll just split the timestream here and come back to that later...

So, sports teams! Tennis is cool and good and I really like tennis.

The only alternative is volleyball and that is ALSO cool and good. Hrm. This is tricky.
Well, let's think... we're doing Kendo in the other timeline, so...

> This club seems to have a rather friendly atmosphere.
> At the very least it seems that you're welcome here...

Ohey, it's... uh... that girl. You know the one! Yeah, her!

> Ms. Kanou left...

Tanned: Haaa! That sounds exactly like her. She's too old to try to act cute like that.

Man, these days are different. That's nice and all but it's one of the many things that means I need a completely different schedule for this...

Club Members: Alright...

> Rio seems to be taking her role in the club seriously...

Club Members: One, two...
> After running laps, you went through a series of muscle exercises...
> Then you diligently went through basic drills in serving and receiving.
> You decided to go back to the dorm after practice ended.

The Hierophant S.Link is started and plays out completely identical to before, so we'll just skip over it for now.

But this? This is important. Also different again, dammit.
So, what does this mean in practice?

Kotone comes back tomorrow and it gets to rank 2. This didn't happen before because Sunday is the closed day for Makoto, and he went to the movies instead. (We'll see the actual scene for this later, don't worry.)

So, let's completely mess up time itself for a moment...

> You stopped somewhere on the way home with Yukari...

Still haven't come here outside of these sorts of scenes. Hmm.

> Yukari confided in you.
> You feel as if you've gotten a little closer to Yukari...

So, Yukari is not unique to this route. Getting the S.Link this early, however, is. For the "main" run, we'll need to wait several more in-game months before we can even attempt to start it. As a result of that, the initial scene for it (at minimum) is significantly different. Hence why we broke time to do this one now.

> ...You decide to go back to the dorm.

So, Junpei doesn't give us ISO and instead considers about playing it himself. I guess (in his head) girls just don't play games or MMOs or something??

Next school day, rather than waiting 'til evening to tell us about sidequests Theo opts to do it in the afternoon. This matters. This matters a lot!

The sidequests available are almost identical to before, but we don't have one to perform a Cadenza. Makes sense, since it's just an item here.
Naturally, to accomodate the skill cards a few rewards are changed around. Oh and this one gives us armor instead of Revival Beads.

What makes this important though is that we can accept the quest to show Theo around Paulownia Mall and this option appears immediately. Well, no time like the present!

definitely watch this if you can/want to/whatever

> Despite these words, Theo's eyes are clearly glimmering with excitement...

> Theo is mumbling...

> Theo is pointing to the water fountain.

Oh Theo, you poor boy.

> Theo seems distraught for some reason...

> Theo headed towards the police station.

> Theo is nodding triumphantly...

> Theo is in utter shock...

> Theo is slightly tearing up.
> ...You decide to show him the arcade.

Theo, please. I have so much to teach you...

> Theo is lost in thought...

> Theo headed towards the fountain in the corner of Paulownia Mall...

> He seems restless for some reason...
> He's looking around as well...
> ...He abruptly stuck his hand into the water.

> You returned to the Velvet Room with Theo.

We'll also clear out almost all the remaining quests here, since we can. There's only two we can't, because Grave Beetles don't drop a shell if we don't have the quest active and the other one left can ONLY be done on May 2nd.

Oh and going out with Theo doesn't use time. How nice! So, let's hang out with Junpei as well.

> Junpei's eyes are lit up...

> You and Junpei watched the movie "Double-Barreled Justice" together.
> Seeing the action scenes on the big screen was overwhelming...
> ...The story was surprisingly complex.

> Junpei cocks his head...

> Junpei shrugs...

> You came here with Junpei.
I sort of figured it'd be a bit longer 'til we came here. Guess not, huh? Thanks Junpei.

> Junpei nods triumphantly.

> Junpei's expression suddenly turns serious...

> You and Junpei chatted for a while before heading back.